The Language of China: Chinese Mandarin – A Comprehensive Guide

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What is the Language of China?

The official language of China is Chinese Mandarin.

How Many Languages in China?

There is only one official language in China, Chinese Mandarin. However there are 100’s of Chinese language dialects across 10 major Chinese language families.

How many dialects in the Chinese Language?

China is a vast country with a huge number of different languages and dialects, as a result of its huge and diverse population. There isn’t an official number for the amounts of dialects spoken in China, but its certainly 100 or more.

Official classification and categorization of these dialects is an extremely complex topic and varies widely based on opinion and linguistic criteria. The Chinese language dialects typically fall into 10 major language families:

Mandarin ChineseThe official language of China
CantoneseSouthern China and Hong Kong
HokkienFujian and Taiwan
HakkaVarious parts
TibetanTibet Autonomous Region
MongolianInner Mongolia
Tibeto-BurmanYunnan, Sichuan, Other parts
Korean / Manchu / OthersVarious Parts
10 Major Chinese Language Families

Chinese Ethnic Groups

To understand the sheer amount of Chinese dialects and how many languages in China, its first important to understand the cultural difference of the people around China, usually summarized as the Chinese minority groups, the Chinese ethnic groups or the Chinese ethnicities.

the language of China

How Many Chinese Minority Groups Are There?

There are 56 officially recognized ethnic groups in China.

All of the Chinese ethnicities can be divided into the following groups:

Chinese Ethnicities

NameSimplified ChinesePinyin% of Population
Han汉族Hàn zú91.11%
Zhuang壮族Zhuàng zú1.38%
Uygur维吾尔族Wéi wú’ěr zú0.84%
Hui回族Huí zú0.81%
Miao苗族Miáo zú0.79%
Man满族Mǎn zú0.74%
Yi彝族Yí zú0.70%
Tujia土家族Tǔ jiā zú0.68%
Zang藏族Zàng zú0.50%
Mongol蒙古族Měng gǔ zú0.45%
Kazak哈萨克族Hā sà kè zú0.41%
Bouyei布依族Bù yī zú0.25%
Dong侗族Dòng zú0.25%
Yao瑶族Yáo zú0.23%
Bai白族Bái zú0.15%
Hani哈尼族Hā ní zú0.12%
Chosŏn朝鲜族Cháo xiǎn zú0.12%
Li黎族Lí zú0.11%
Dai傣族Dǎi zú0.09%
Lisu傈僳族Lì sù zú0.05%
She畲族Shē zú0.05%
Dongxiang东乡族Dōng xiāng zú0.06%
Gelao仡佬族Gē lǎo zú0.05%
Lahu拉祜族Lā hù zú0.04%
Sui水族Shuǐ zú0.04%
Wa佤族Wǎ zú0.03%
Naxi纳西族Nà xī zú0.02%
Qiang羌族Qiāng zú0.02%
Tu土族Tǔ zú0.02%
Mulao仫佬族Mù lǎo zú0.02%
Kirgiz柯尔克孜族Kē’ěr kè zī zú0.01%
Xibe锡伯族Xī bó zú0.01%
Salar撒拉族Sā lā zú0.01%
Jingpo景颇族Jǐng pō zú0.01%
Daur达斡尔族Dá wò’ěr zú0.01%
Blang布朗族Bù lǎng zú0.01%
Maonan毛南族Máo nán zú0.01%
Tajik塔吉克族Tǎ jí kè zú0.00%
Pumi普米族Pǔ mǐ zú0.00%
Achang阿昌族Ā chāng zú0.00%
Nu怒族Nù zú0.00%
Ewenki鄂温克族È wēn kè zú0.00%
Gin京族Jīng zú0.00%
Jino基诺族Jī nuò zú0.00%
Bonan保安族Bǎo’ān zú0.00%
Deang德昂族Dé’áng zú0.00%
Russ俄罗斯族É luó sī zú0.00%
Yugur裕固族Yù gù zú0.00%
Uzbek乌孜别克族Wū zī bié kè zú0.00%
Monba门巴族Mén bā zú0.00%
Oroqen鄂伦春族È lún chūn zú0.00%
Derung独龙族Dú lóng zú0.00%
Hezhen赫哲族Hè zhé zú0.00%
Lhoba珞巴族Luò bā zú0.00%
Tatar塔塔尔族Tǎtǎ’ěr zú0.00%
Gaoshan高山族Gāo shān zú0.00%
Uncategorised未识别民族Wèi Shìbié Mín zú0.06%
Foreigners外国人加入中国籍Wài guó rén Jiā rù Zhōng guó jí0.00%
Chinese Ethnic Groups – Percentage of Population in 2020
the language of China

The History of the Language of China

Today the language of China, Mandarin, boasts the top spot for the most natively spoken language in the world, resulting from the vast population in modern day China. It is large enough and important enough to be one of six official United Nations languages.

Ancient Chinese

The Language of China, Chinese Mandarin, has an ancient history. It is currently the old written language in the world, with a 6000 year history. The modern day characters can be traced back to their ancient origins, usually showing a pictographic style character with a close connection to the meaning.

The language of China

Classical Chinese

During the Han Dynasty (200 BC) classical Chinese became the literary and administrative language of China, being used as the base for formal documents, poetry and texts. It continued to be the official language for centuries to come, including the famous works of Confucious.

Through the years, it developed and evolved over time, spreading and emerging as various dialects of Chinese Mandarin all over China. It is thought that the northern dialect became pivotal in the development of modern day Chinese Mandarin.

Yuan, Ming and Qing Dynasties

During the Yuan Dynasty (circa 1300 AD), the Man Chu empire spread the use of the northern dialect of Chinese Mandarin. This was further re-inforced by the succeeding Ming Dynasty (circa 1500 AD).

The Qing Dynasty (circa 1600-1900 AD) expanded into territories already speaking a Chinese Mandarin dialect. In order to unify China, the northern Dialect of Chinese Mandarin was marked as the official language of China.

Modern Day Chinese Mandarin – The Language of China

In the early 20th century, especially after the fall of the Qing dynasty the Republic of China made efforts to establish “Guo Yu”, the national language of China.

The peoples republic of China officially adopted a new standard in 1955, known as “Pu Tong Hua” or “The Common Speech”. This still carries large element of the original northern dialect of the classical Chinese dialect. This is the language of China in the modern day.


As the globalisation came in, the important of China on the world stage grew in importance. The Pinyin system was then introduced to facilitate literacy and the studying of Chinese Mandarin as a foreign language.

Pinyin is a form of Chinese Mandarin by where the characters can be represented by Roman lettering.

Language of China
Chinese Mandarin – Pinyin

The Sensitivity of Chinese Dialects

The distinction between Chinese dialects and the language of China can be a sensitive and contentious issue, particularly when it comes to Chinese varieties like Cantonese. Linguists often define a language as a system of communication with its own grammar and vocabulary, mutually intelligible among its speakers. Meanwhile, a dialect refers to a variant of a language that shares significant linguistic features with other dialects of the same language.

Cantonese, spoken mainly in the Guangdong province of China and Hong Kong, possesses unique grammatical structures, vocabulary, and even pronunciation compared to Mandarin, the official language of China. Cantonese speakers may struggle to understand Mandarin and vice versa, leading many to assert that Cantonese is a separate language.

However, political and cultural factors often blur linguistic distinctions. The Chinese government promotes Mandarin as the standard language, emphasizing national unity and communication across China’s vast linguistic landscape. Consequently, Cantonese and other regional languages are sometimes labeled as mere dialects, downplaying their linguistic diversity and cultural significance.

Calling Cantonese a dialect instead of a language can carry implications of inferiority or marginalization, reinforcing power dynamics and historical prejudices. It can overlook the rich literary tradition, cultural heritage, and identity associated with Cantonese-speaking communities.

Respecting linguistic diversity involves acknowledging the legitimacy of Cantonese as a language in its own right. It’s not just about semantics; it’s about recognizing the unique voice and cultural heritage of Cantonese speakers. Embracing linguistic diversity strengthens social cohesion and fosters inclusivity in a globalized world. Therefore, sensitivity and understanding are crucial when discussing the categorization of Cantonese and other Chinese dialects.


Although an ancient language, the language of Chinese (Chinese Mandarin) is still very relevant on the global scene. With the rapidly growing economy of China and the growing interesting in all things Chinese, the language will continue to be relevant and useful for those brave enough to study it as a foreign language.

If you are interested in learning to read and use Chinese characters, check out this article: Study Chinese Characters: 6 Easy Points to Start Today or

If you are more interested in grasping the Chinese language as a whole, and learning to speak Chinese Mandarin, check out this article: How To Speak Chinese – 8 Critical Starting Points

2 responses to “The Language of China: Chinese Mandarin – A Comprehensive Guide”

  1. […] The Language of China – Chinese Mandarin […]

  2. […] You can find more information on the history of the Chinese Language and the different dialects here: The Language of China: Chinese Mandarin […]

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2 responses to “The Language of China: Chinese Mandarin – A Comprehensive Guide”

  1. […] The Language of China – Chinese Mandarin […]

  2. […] You can find more information on the history of the Chinese Language and the different dialects here: The Language of China: Chinese Mandarin […]

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